
‘Tech Talk’ explained

Here at Flushplates.com we believe in providing you with all the information and cutting through the ‘tech talk’  so you can make an informed decision on whether you want to go with a wall hung toilet.

All the wall hung products we sell contain the information you need and the technical specification diagrams for you to view , however , we understand that sometimes stuff gets a little to ‘techy’ and whilst we aim to provide all the information in the product description, it’s also good to break it down into laymen terms and explain exactly what you are getting for your money,

Sometimes buying online can me a bit of minefield and whilst you think you are purchasing exactly what you need, you can sometimes be disappointed that it doesn’t suit your requirements or even worse that the product does not come with all the parts you need, you know the bit some people conveniently only put in the small print?.

For this blog post I am going to try and break down exactly what it is you will get in your wall hung frame and what application you need it for, so let’s start with the following, these are some of the features, benefits and instructions you will generally see with Geberit Wall Hung Frames, so let’s start specifically with the following product.

          Geberit Duofix Wall Hung WC Frame H112 with 120mm Sigma Cistern UP320






       Features & Benefits explained













I hope this brief explanation of what the all the feature and benefits descriptions mean helps you in making a decision before purchasing your wall hung frame, in the next blog we will break down in a little more detail about what you get in the box.


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